Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-50IUM

Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-50IUM

Inverted metallurgical microscope LB-50IUM is a tabletop inverted microscopes with infinity plan achromatic objectives. Features superior coaxial coarse and fine focusing adjustment. Four color filters with a brightness adjustable halogen lamp. Digital cameras can be added to the trinocular tube to take images and make image analysis.

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Viewing head Siedentopf trinocular head
Viewing head inclination degree Inclined at 30°
Interpupillary distance 48 mm ~ 75mm
Eyepiece WF10X/ 20 mm
Infinite Plan APO Objective 5X/0.17/∞/0 (BF/DF)LWD 8.6 mm
10X/0.28/∞/0 (BF/DF)LWD 3.4 mm
20X/0.50/∞/0 (BF/DF)LWD 1.1 mm
50X/0.85/∞/0 (BF/DF)LWD 0.5 mm
100X/0.95(Dry)/∞/0 (BF) LWD 0.1mm
Nosepiece Quintuple nosepiece
Stage Double layer mechanical stage 200 mm × 190 mm
Moving range 40 mm × 40 mm
Small stage plate, Φ16 mm, Φ40 mm, water drop type
Focus Fine division 2 μm
Move up 1 mm
Down 12 mm
Kohler reflected illumination 12V/100W Halogen light
Polarizer and analyzer


  • Vertical objective movement for focusing
  • Infinity plan achromatic objectives
  • Infinite optical system provides excellent optical functions
  • Stable stand structure and comfortable operation
  • Blue filters for cooler and more neutral color of image
  • Green filters correct spherical achromatic aberrations
  • Ground glass filters for more even and diffused light
  • Infinite optical system and APO objective provide excellent optical functions
  • DIC observation is optional
  • Meet most of your requirements by high performance optical system, technological innovation and high stability


Used in institutes and laboratories to observe and identify the structure of various metal and alloy, in electronics, chemical and instrumentation industry, to observe the opaque material and transparent material.

Optional Accessories

Accessory No Accessory Specification
A50IUM Extra wide field eyepiece WF15X/ 16 mm
A51IUM WF20X/ 12 mm
A52IUM Infinite plan APO objective 100X/1.32(Oil)/∞/0 (BF) LWD 0.1mm
A53IUM Kohler reflected illumination DIC Attachment
A54IUM Photo adapter (Used to a DSLR camera to the microscope)
A55IUM 0.5X C-mount Video Adapter
A56IUM Micrometer scale 0.01 mm

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Inverted Metallurgical Microscope

Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-21IUM
Viewing Head Sliding binocular viewing head
Eyepiece Wide field eyepiece WF10X/18 mm
Wide field eyepiece WF12.5X/14 mm
Objective Achromatic objective 10X/0.25, WD=6.3 mm
Plan achromatic objective 40X/0.65, WD=0.7 mm
Achromatic objective 100X/1.25(oil), WD=0.1 mm
Nosepiece Triple nosepiece
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-22IUM
Viewing Head Tinocular viewing head
Eyepiece Wide field eyepiece WF10X/18 mm
Wide field eyepiece WF12.5X/14 mm
Objective Achromatic objective 10X/0.25, WD=6.3 mm
Plan achromatic objective 40X/0.65, WD=0.7 mm
Achromatic objective 100X/1.25(oil), WD=0.1 mm
Nosepiece Triple nosepiece
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-30IUM
Viewing head Trinocular head
Viewing head inclination degree Inclined at 30°
Interpupillary distance 48 mm ~ 75 mm
Eyepiece High-point, extra wide field eyepiece EW10×/ 20mm
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-10IUM
Viewing head Trinocular head
Viewing head inclination degree Inclined at 30°
Interpupillary distance 48 mm ~ 75 mm
Eyepiece High-point, extra wide field eyepiece EW10×/ 20mm
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-20IUM
Viewing Head Monocular viewing head
Eyepiece Wide field eyepiece WF10X/18 mm
Wide field eyepiece WF12.5X/14 mm
Objective Achromatic objective 10X/0.25, WD=6.3 mm
Plan achromatic objective 40X/0.65, WD=0.7 mm
Achromatic objective 100X/1.25(oil), WD=0.1 mm
Nosepiece Triple nosepiece
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-60IUM
Resolution 12.0 Mega Pixel
Video Resolution 1920 × 1080 / 30 fps
Sensor Size 1 / 2.5 Inches
LCD Screen 9 Inches HD LCD Screen, Resolution is 1280 × 800 MP
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope : Inverted Metallurgical Microscope LB-40IUM
Viewing head Siedentopf trinocular head
Viewing head inclination degree Inclined at 30°
Interpupillary distance 48 mm ~ 75 mm
Extra wide field eyepiece WF10X/ 22 mm
WF10X/ 20 mm Eyepiece with scale of cross hair

Our LCD digital polarizing microscope is an advanced optical instrument that combines polarizing microscopy with digital imaging technology. It is equipped with advanced optics, allowing users to study the optical properties and structures of materials in high detail. Additionally, it often includes digital cameras and imaging software, enabling the capture and documentation of polarized images and videos for further analysis and research. LCD digital polarizing microscopes find applications in geology, material science, and life sciences, offering a versatile platform for studying the anisotropic properties of various specimens, which is essential for research, quality control, and educational purposes.

Viewing head Siedentopf binocular
Eyepiece ( Wide field plan eyepieces ) WF10X / 18 mm
Image resolution 12 MP
Video resolution 1920 × 1080 / 30fps

Labotronics Biological Microscopes offer high-resolution optics for detailed observation of cells, tissues, and microorganisms. They feature adjustable magnification, fine focusing, and integrated illumination for precise visualization. They are available in compound and stereo models for various research and diagnostic needs. Our Biological Microscope is designed for clarity and accuracy, these microscopes enhance biological research, education, and diagnostics.

Optical system Infinite optical system
Viewing head 3.0 MP digital camera , Binocular head
Viewing head inclination 30° inclined
Interpupillary distance 48 mm ~ 75 mm
Optical system
Viewing head Monocular
Viewing head inclination Inclined at 45° , 360° rotatable
Interpupillary distance
Optical system
Viewing head
Viewing head inclination
Interpupillary distance
Optical system
Viewing head Seidentopf Trinocular
Viewing head inclination Inclined at 30°, 360° rotatable
Interpupillary distance 55 mm ~ 75 mm

Our USB digital microscope is a compact and versatile optical instrument that connects to a computer via a USB port. Equipped with a built-in digital camera, it allows users to view, capture, and record magnified images and videos of specimens directly on a computer screen. USB digital microscopes are ideal for a wide range of applications, including education, quality control, and hobbyist use. They often feature adjustable magnification, built-in LED illumination, and user-friendly software for image capture and analysis. These microscopes contribute to the convenience and efficiency of specimen examination and documentation, making them valuable tools for various microscopy tasks.

Image sensor 5.0 Mega Pixels CMOS sensor (true resolution)
Image and video capture resolution 5 M 3 M 1.3 M VGA, QVGA
Focus ranger Manual focus from 10 mm to 500 mm
Frame rate Max 30 f / s under 600 Lus Brightness
Image sensor 1.3 Mega Pixels CMOS Sensor (interpolate to 2MP with software)
Image and video capture resolution 1600 × 1280 pixels 1280 × 1024 pixels 1024 × 960 pixels 1024 × 768 pixels 800 × 600 pixels 640 × 480 pixels 352 × 288 pixels 320 × 240 pixels 320 × 240 pixels
Focus ranger Manual focus from 10 mm to 500 mm
Frame rate Max 30 f / s under 600 Lus Brightness
Image sensor 5.0 Mega Pixels CMOS sensor (interpolated to 12.0 MP)
Image and video capture resolution 12M 9M 5M 3M 1.3M VGA
Focus ranger Manual focus from 10mm to 50mm
Frame rate Max. 30 f / s under 600 Lus Brightness
Image sensor 2.0 Mega Pixels CMOS sensor
Image and video capture resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels 1280 × 720 pixels 640 × 480 pixels
Focus ranger Manual focus from 10 mm to 500 mm
Frame rate Max 30 f / s under 600 Lus Brightness

Labotronics Digital Microscopes feature advanced imaging technology with built-in cameras for capturing and displaying magnified images on a digital screen. They eliminate the need for eyepieces, providing real-time visualization for easy sharing and documentation. High-resolution imaging ensures precise analysis, while measurement and video recording capabilities enhance functionality. Our microscopes are ideal for research, education, and quality control, offering a user-friendly design for efficient and accurate observations.

Viewing head Monocular
Inter-pupillary distance
Eyepiece ( Wide field eyepiece ) WF10X / 18 mm
Eyepiece ( Extra wide field )
Viewing head Siedentopf binocular
Inter-pupillary distance 48 mm ⁓75 mm
Eyepiece ( Wide field eyepiece )
Eyepiece ( Extra wide field ) EW10X / 20 mm
Viewing head Siedentopf binocular
Inter-pupillary distance 55 mm ⁓ 75mm
Eyepiece ( Wide field eyepiece )
Eyepiece ( Extra wide field ) EW10X / 20 mm
Viewing head Monocular
Inter-pupillary distance
Eyepiece ( Wide field eyepiece ) WF10X / 18 mm
Eyepiece ( Extra wide field )

Labotronics Wi-Fi digital microscope is a cutting-edge optical instrument equipped with a built-in digital camera and Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to view, capture, and share magnified images and videos of specimens wirelessly on smartphones, tablets, or computers. These microscopes offer portability, making them suitable for fieldwork and on-the-go applications. They often feature adjustable magnification, LED illumination, and user-friendly apps or software for image capture and analysis. Wi-Fi digital microscopes are versatile tools used in education, research, quality control, and various hobbyist pursuits, offering the convenience of wireless connectivity for real-time specimen examination and easy sharing of findings, making them valuable for a wide range of microscopy tasks.

Sensor 3.0MP CMOS sensor
Image capture resolution 3M 5M 8M 12M
Video capture resolution 1920 x 1080 (1080P) 1280 x 720 (720P) VGA
Focus range Manual focus from 0 mm to 50 mm

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